Hi Everyone,
I just finished interviewing John Todd, about his new book, Healing Earth, and I must say that I came away feeling hopeful on the future of the planet. If enough people get inspired by the ecological innovations John is inventing, then we might be able to start the healing process, and save the our planet from the devastation of global warming and pollution. He is working on projects around the world, and inspiring students to think outside the box! In his book, Healing Earth, John shares examples of “re-
greening” barren lands, like the Sinai desert, or removing crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico. It is totally inspiring! His “eco-machines” make use of plants and microbes to clean up contaminated water along shorelines and in water treatment facilities. They are currently working on a mini eco-machine that they will attach to sailboats, so that the ocean can be
decontaminated as the boat sails by! Now we just have to fund these projects! You can help by reading his book, sharing it with others, and donating to John’s 501c3 organization called, Ocean Arks International.
If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here!
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