Global Climate Change Talks Kick Off in Lima, Peru, This Week
Delegates from around the world started negotiations Monday, December 1st, trying to reach an agreement to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions that cause rising temperatures.? Delegates, known as COP 20 (Conferences of the Parties, the 20th), gather now to forge a rough draft of a binding treaty to get finalized in Paris next year.? Delegates will also look at progress made at earlier meetings, such as the Kyoto Protocol, begun in the mid 90s with the same intent to bind developed countries to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.? Continue reading here.
Fracking Frenzy:? How the Fracking Industry is Threatening the Planet
The global development of “unconventional” fossil fuels, such as shale gas, has provoked much debate involving scientists, industry, political decision-makers, environmental groups and civil society.? Despite controversy surrounding the technique of high-volume hydraulic-fracturing (known as “fracking”), as well as the numerous unknowns and uncertainties concerning its impacts and the growing number of questions about the economic benefits of this industry, many are still eager to identify ways to make fracking publicly and socially acceptable.
A report by Friends of the Earth Europe examines the planned expansion of shale gas operators into vulnerable regions of developing countries, highlighting the threats posed to local environments and communities as well as the global climate.? Read the report here.
1970’s Clean Air Act Allows Obama to Build Environmental Legacy
On account of stagnation in the Legislature, President Obama has turned to the vast reach of the Clean Air Act of 1970.? Some legal experts call the Clean Air Act the most powerful environmental law of the world.? President Obama is using the authority of the act to issue a series of landmark regulations on air pollution.? The Clean Air Act was created at the same time as the Environmental Protection Agency, and given great flexibility in interpretation of the law.? Read more about the plans surrounding this momentous act and how it is being used to finally combat the causes of global warming.
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