Take Action: Stand up Against Hunger on Long Island, Tell Cuomo No Fracking in New York State

Many Ways to Get Involved in Feeding our Neighbors


Each and every one of us needs food, young and old, rich and poor alike.? And yet, some of us have less access to food or don’t know the importance of complete nutrition.? We can all start to help out by talking about food, talking about organic or non-GMO, talking about where our food comes from and thinking about those who harvest for us.? We can all too start to shop smartly, looking for local whenever possible, supporting our local economy and valuing sustainability.? We can call or write our representative, telling them how important food issues and food justice are to our communities.? We can volunteer at a local food pantry or soup kitchen.? We can donate money to organizations attempting to provide food to those who don’t have enough.? Check out organizations such as Feeding America, River Fund, Long Island Food Not Bombs, and churches or synagogues in your area to see what’s going on and how you can pitch in.

Join Us in Our March Against Fracking in New York State


On January 7th, join us and other New Yorkers to tell Governor Cuomo: NOT ONE FRACKING WELL!? Governor Cuomo, who has not yet decided about fracking, has announced that the review he’s waiting for to make his decision, will by completed by December 31.? The 7th is Governor Cuomo’s State of the State Address in Albany.? We need to all tell him to not even accept ONE WELL. Register to join us and hop on the bus.