Take Action: Label GMOs in NY, Senate to Vote on Keystone XL, Protect Kids From Junk Food Marketing

We Have a Right to Know What’s in Our Food


Even though GMOs are under-regulated, inadequately tested and potentially unsafe, Americans continue to be kept in the dark about what’s in the foods they eat and feed their families. Just like we have labels for calories, sodium and fat, we should have labels for GMO ingredients too. It’s common sense.

Right now, genetically engineered foods (GMO) are not labeled, so it’s hard to know what we’re eating.? We have an opportunity to change that here in NY.

Ask your lawmakers to support the bill to label GMOs in New York.


Stand Up to Big Oil’s Purchase of the Senate!

Last time the Senate voted on the Keystone XL Pipeline, the Senators who voted to approve the pipeline had received $21 million dollars from Big Oil, seven times the amount of those Senators who opposed the pipeline. President Obama has promised to veto the bill, should it pass, but we need to make sure that the Senate doesn’t have the power to over ride it. The fact that the Senators still want to pass this bill, even though the finances don’t add up, (due to the low cost of oil right now,) shows that they are just being bought out and don’t even have the ability to think for themselves.

Please sign the Sierra Clubs petition, and lets help stop the Keystone Pipeline in it’s tracks.

Protect Kids from Junk Food Marketing

As most of you know, Food Manufacturers like to target kids in their marketing plan, because studies show that early brand loyalty can last a lifetime and they are all competing for the same customers. Yet, due to all of the processed foods and junk foods that the average American child eats today, they will be first generation to have a shorter life expectancy than their parents. The Obesity and Diabetes rate among children is still in epidemic proportions, and food manufactures must bear some responsibility. Please sign the petition to tell food and beverage companies that you want them to do more to protect children from unhealthy food marketing.