Take Action: Divest from Fossil Fuels, Tell Republicans to Drop Their Keystone XL Obsession; Tell Governor Cuomo to Veto the Port Ambrose Project; Reject Monsanto

Divest from Fossil Fuels

As the fossil fuel company invests more money into the ever-expanding world of fossil fuels, we the people need to let them know that we want our energy to come from renewable resources.? The best way to let them know, is to make them feel it in their pockets.? Please consider divesting your personal portfolios and encouraging any institutions, universities, or companies that you are affiliated with to do the same.

Keep Your Voices Loud Against Keystone XL

imagesRepublicans in the House have announced they’ll vote next week to pass the Republican Senate’s first bill ? forcing approval of the Keystone XL pipeline ? even though the president has already declared he will veto it.? Republicans are obsessed with Keystone XL.? Beyond reason.? Beyond facts.

The Republican strategy relies on Americans not putting this together.? Their talk of jobs and economic gain, rings stunningly hollow, when you realize they have been blocking bills on transportation funding, energy efficiency, and solar, which would create literally a million more jobs than Keystone XL.

We know that Keystone XL fails the president?s climate test ? the EPA just said so.? Given the need for creating jobs and aggressive action to fight climate change, the Republicans? support for Keystone XL isn?t just disingenuous, it?s dangerous and irresponsible.

The only way to get them to back off is by building public pressure calling-out this strategy for what it is.

Tell Republicans: Support the American people, not oil billionaires. Drop your Keystone XL obsession. Click here to sign the petition.

Fracked Gas Threat Off Our Coast, Still!

We banned fracking in New York, but the fight against fracking-related infrastructure is ongoing. There is currently a project proposed off Long Island that would promote fracking and threaten public safety and the environment.

The proposal, known as Port Ambrose, is for a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal off Long Beach. While it’s being presented as an import facility, the company would likely convert it to export fracked gas around the world. This project could increase the demand for fracking, encouraging a dirty process that puts our water, health and climate at risk.

port ambrose

Port Ambrose’s negative impacts wouldn’t be limited to exporting fracked gas. The project would also damage the ocean ecology, create a terrorist target and undermine an offshore wind energy proposal. Governor Cuomo made the courageous decision to defy the oil and gas industry by banning fracking, and we need him to stand up for public health and the environment once again.

We have until March 16th, to generate the thousands of public comments necessary to stop this dangerous project. Please take action now, to tell Governor Cuomo to veto Port Ambrose.

?Tell the USDA:? Protect Our Food Supply, Not Monsanto’s Profits!

As someone who cares about the health of our families, our food system, and our environment, I was very disappointed by your recent approval of Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant cotton and soybeans.

Dicamba has been linked to a range of adverse human health impacts, such as reproductive and developmental harm. Workers, farming communities, and children are especially vulnerable to these exposures. We need less toxic herbicides and pesticides in our food system, not more.

In addition, allowing the use of more herbicide-resistant GMO crops increases the risk that organic and non-GMO farms will be harmed by pesticide drift and genetic cross-contamination. For example, dicamba easily moves off-site, and windy conditions or poor application can make the problem worse.

The increased use of new genetically engineered crops, including Monsanto’s dicamba-resistant cotton and soybean seeds, will further increase profits for Monsanto at the expense of our health, food supply, and environment.

monsantoSign the petition here to make your voice heard.