In The News: Pope Blames Human Race for Global Warming; 10 Ways You Are Making Vegetables Less Nutritious; Watch the Trailer of the New Film The Breach; Senate Approves Dangerous Trade Deal

Pope Blames Human Race for Global Warming

_83715048_027743670-1This week, the Pope came out in support of the earth, in his document, encyclical, named “Laudato Si (Be Praised), On the Care of Our Common Home”. This paper aims to inspire everyone – not just Roman Catholics – to protect the Earth. The 192-page letter, which is the highest level teaching document a pope can issue, lays much of the blame for global warming on human activities. The Pope spells out his intent for all humanity to undergo a spiritual transformation: “Our goal is not to amass information or to satisfy curiosity, but rather to become painfully aware, to dare to turn what is happening to the world into our own personal suffering and thus to discover what each of us can do about it.” It is a call to ACTION!

In the letter he urges the rich to make smarter and more conscious lifestyle choices when it comes to the environment. Of course, the document has already been criticized by many US conservative Republicans. The release comes six months before international leaders gather in Paris to try to seal a deal to reduce carbon emissions. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon welcomed the document, saying climate change was a “moral issue requiring respectful dialogue with all parts of society”.

10 Ways You Are Making Vegetables Less Nutritious99357ee11874d883cc9682fbe87d1c9350a5cbf0

Last year, I interviewed Jo Robinson about her new book, and I’m glad to see it getting the recognition it deserves! She shares the results of her research on how we are preparing our vegetables wrong before consumption. Jo Robinson is an Investigative journalist, and she spent 10 years combing through the latest research on nutrients in vegetables and fruits for her book, Eating on the Wild Side, and her evidence-based tips for storing and preparing vegetables will change the way you cook.

Knowing the proper ways to prepare you vegetables is a great start to better health. Also trying to get wild vegetables as opposed to store bought vegetables is a sure fire way to get more nutrients and fiber into your diet. Check out our interview on PRN!


 Watch the Trailer of the New Film The Breach

Watch this 2 minute trailer for the new film, The Breach, about diminishing wild salmon populations.

Senate Approves Dangerous Trade Deal

I am so disgusted! Despite hundreds of thousands of letters and calls from concerned citizens, today, the Senate approved the Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership. This trade deal could cost all of us our rights to the internet, to safe food and water, and to cleaner energy. All that has to be done now is a signature from the President. Watch this short video and see what the TPP will cost us. It is so sad….