Take Action: President Obama Stop GMO Salmon; Support Standards to Reduce Emissions from Oil and Gas Operations; Stop Monsanto’s Dream Bill in the Senate

President Obama Stop GMO Salmon

Atlantic_salmon_Atlantic_fishDespite scientific evidence that GM salmon is detrimental to our health and the environment, and despite the vocal opposition of hundreds of thousands of concerned citizens, it has been approved for sale in the United States by the Food and Drug Administration, WITHOUT a label. This may seem like we are inevitably doomed to have GM salmon show up on our plates, but it’s actually not too late. We can still put pressure on Congress and President Obama to disapprove of GM salmon before it could possibly hit grocery store shelves in 2 years. Costco has already declared they will not be participating in the sale of GM salmon to the public. Please get on board to help us create a huge public outcry to this horrible, new, ruling! Sign the petition now and please do not let this atrocity happen!

Support Standards to Reduce Emissions from Oil and Gas OperationsEnvironmental_Protection_Agency_logo.svg

Even while we work to reduce our oil consumption through efficiency and innovation, the oil we do still use is changing. Depending on where the oil comes from and how it is extracted and produced, it can have widely varying levels of pollution. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed standards for reducing the leaking methane pollution from new and modified oil and natural gas operations. It’s a critical first step to addressing the emissions associated with extracting and producing oil, but more needs to be done. Tell the EPA you want higher standards for reducing emissions from oil and gas companies.

Stop Monsanto’s Dream Bill in the Senate

UntitledIf you haven’t heard, Monsanto’s Dream Bill, which has already passed in the House, would prohibit any state efforts to require labeling of genetically engineered foods (GMOs). The bill is called the “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act,” which sounds like it would be something that I would support. They purposely gave it a name that would confuse the average citizen. It is not about “Safe and Accurate Food Labeling”, it is about deceiving the customer, in the name of profit! The Grocery Manufacturers Association, an industry group that represents Monsanto, Nestlé, Dow and Pepsi, is pushing this bill because it would let them continue to keep quiet about their production and use of GMO foods. We need to stop this bill from passing in the Senate, by writing to your Senator! Please do it now and stop Monsanto’s Dream Bill.