Don’t Leave Family Farmers Out to Dry:
Pass a 2012 Farm Bill Now!
Record-shattering drought continues to devastate farms across the country. This historic drought coincides with a critical opportunity to ensure we are better prepared the next time disaster hits: the writing of the 2012 Farm Bill. However, what has come out of Congress to date falls dangerously short, making devastating cuts to the very programs we need to build our soil and protect our farms from future weather emergencies. With less than three weeks until the current Farm Bill expires, the livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of farmers are at stake if Congress fails to act. Tell congress to pass a 2012 Farm Bill equipped to meet today’s challenges in agriculture.
Tell 12 Governors Not to Block Medicaid
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was supposed to expand Medicaid to cover everyone within 133% of the federal poverty level by 2014; however, the Supreme Court took away the federal government’s ability to enforce this expansion, allowing states to opt-out. So far, 12 governors, including Governor Rick Perry have opted-out or are considering doing so, leaving millions of working poor Americans without any access to healthcare. Let’s tell Rick Perry and all the governors refusing to participate in the Medicaid expansion: Expand Medicaid to 133% of the federal poverty rate!
Don’t Exempt Pizza Chains, Theaters, Markets and Others from Menu Labeling!
In 2012, a federal law was passed to get chain food establishments to provide calorie counts on menus and menu boards. The law makes good sense. But now the pizza industry, along with the movie theater, supermarket and convenience store industries, are trying to exempt themselves from and weaken this labeling law. Any industry that’s afraid to share basic nutrition information with you probably has something to hide. Sign the petition telling President Obama, Secretary Sebelius and Commissioner Margaret Hamburg that you want calorie labeling on menus and menu boards at pizza chains, movie theaters, grocery stores and convenience stores!
2012 NY Locavore Challenge
Join a collective movement of farmers, gardeners and consumers who are demanding change in our food system. This month, NOFA-NY (Northeast Organic Farming Association of New York) is hosting its 3rd Annual NY Locavore Challenge. The NY Locavore Challenge is a first of its kind, month-long campaign aimed at engaging consumers across the state in actively supporting the local organic food movement. The 3rd Annual NY Locavore Challenge’s theme is 30 Challenges in 30 days. Each day during the month of September, NOFA-NY and its partners will highlight a fun food based challenge that participants can complete in their own home or communities. It’s not too late to join in!
Help Stop the Hunting of Polar Bears for Profit!
Despite the growing threats of climate change, toxic pollution and oil development that jeopardize the very existence of polar bears, hunters continue to kill hundreds of them every year. Scientists warn that we could lose more than two-thirds of the world’s polar bears by 2050. Call on President Obama to lead the way globally by proposing an urgently needed ban on the commercial trade in polar bear parts at the next meeting of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES).
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