Tell Congress to Reject the Trans Pacific Partnership
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a pro-corporate trade deal — the largest in history — negotiated by countries and hundreds of “advisers” from some of the world’s most powerful corporations while Congress and the public has been shut out. The TPP will cost us good paying jobs, increase fracking and unsafe food imports, and undermine democracy by giving corporations even more power. Congress will vote in the coming months on whether or not to approve the deal. Sign the petition now to tell Congress to say no to the TPP.
Tell Obama to Protect Our Coasts From Drilling
The impacts of the Deepwater Horizon disaster are heartbreaking. Eleven people lost their lives after the drilling rig exploded. In the 87 days that followed, 210 million gallons of crude oil gushed from the ocean floor, harming communities and wildlife throughout the region. Years later, scientists have discovered another environmental consequence — toxic crude oil from the spill blankets the Gulf floor and is slowly making its way up the food chain. Our communities, fragile coastal ecosystems, wildlife, and climate are too dear to risk again. Now, Big Oil hopes to drill in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans. We need to tell Obama to stop the drilling now.
Tell the EPA To Support a Just and Strong “Clean Power Plan”
Paris sets a solid foundation for more climate progress, and with continued grassroots action, calls for climate justice, and support for communities that have historically been reliant on fossil fuels we will make a 100% clean energy economy a reality. But, for us to succeed, the Clean Power Plan must live up to its potential as a climate game changer. With continued attacks from climate deniers and big polluters, the EPA needs to hear from you now to make this happen. Tell the EPA you support a strong and just Clean Power Plan that moves us closer to meeting our climate commitments!
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