Take Action: Stop Monsanto’s Dream Bill; A Vote For Dr. Califf is a Vote For Big Pharma; Block The Alberta Clipper Pipeline Scheme

Stop Monsanto’s Dream Bill

Monsanto_CompanyMonsanto and other large food corporations don’t want you to know what’s in your food. But we all have a right to know and this “Dream Bill” will take away this right. The Grocery Manufacturers Association, an industry group that represents Monsanto, Nestlé, Dow and Pepsi, is pushing this bill because it would let them continue to keep quiet about their production and use of GMO foods. Please take the time to sign this petition and tell the Senate to kill Monsanto’s Dream Bill.

A Vote For Dr. Califf is a Vote For Big PharmaFood_and_Drug_Administration_(United_States)_(logo)

Califf admitted to receiving financial support from more than 20 companies. No matter how good a doctor he is or how fair he attempts to be, Califf is simply too connected to industry. If he becomes the next head of the FDA, his former sponsors and friends in the pharmaceutical industry will have a friendly ear in a major position of power, threatening our financial well-being and physical health. Tell the Senate: A vote for Dr. Califf is a vote for Big Pharma.

Block The Alberta Clipper Pipeline Scheme

800px-Goldfields_Pipeline_SMCCanadian pipeline company Enbridge is pushing an illegal plan to nearly double the amount of dirty tar sands oil it pumps into the U.S. through its Alberta Clipper pipeline, bypassing the environmental review required by law — and the State Department is prepared to allow this disastrous plan to move forward. Last November, we convinced President Obama to reject the climate-wrecking Keystone XL pipeline. Now let’s stand together and demand that Secretary of State John Kerry put the American people before polluters and block the reckless Alberta Clipper pipeline scheme!