Behind The Brands Harming Public Health
Check out these stories of how ordinary people used their twitter account to grow the good food movement by pressuring the top ten food and drink companies to do better by the people and planet! Have your voice heard and take action now! Together we can!!!
Defund the DAPL Now
Back in September, researcher Hugh McMillan and his colleagues at the Food and Water Watch published an infographic showing explicitly which corporations were financially backing the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. They illustrated very clearly to the general public which “17 financial institutions had directly loaned money for the pipeline’s construction and which 38 banks were offering hundreds of millions of dollars in open lines of credit to the parent companies controlling the pipeline project”. So began the Defund DAPL and divestment movement. You can join today!
The Food and Water Watch article had a profound impact helping to achieve important milestones in the battle against these powerful oil and gas companies using their immense financial resources to push forward constriction. Yes! Magazine also published how to contact the banks funding the pipeline and activists began taking monumental strides as well, spreading awareness and urging people to divest their money from banks known to either directly or indirectly support “the black snake”.
Tell the banks to stop financing the DAPL by signing the petition here!
Please, continue to spread the word, share this critical information and consider divesting your money today.
Let Us Stand With Civil Rights Leader John Lewis #notmypresident
Nearly three dozen Members of Congress have announced that they will not be attending the inauguration this weekend. That is one in five!!! Why? Though there have been many, many reasons, the most recent includes Donald Trump’s twitter attacks on civil rights leader Rep. John Lewis during this past weekend—a time that is meant to honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in his quest for racial justice.
Does your Member of Congress stand with Trump or stand with John Lewis?
Urge your Representative and Senators to boycott the inauguration and stand with Representative John Lewis. Take action now…
- Today, Wednesday, January 18th: Senate begins consideration of Rep. Tom Price for Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). Price is a radical conservative who wants to destroy the Affordable Care Act, eviscerate anti-poverty efforts, and undermine women’s health, reproductive rights, and LGBTQ rights. There are also unanswered ethical questions about profits Price has made trading health care stocks during his time in Congress where he worked on health care legislation.
Ask your Senators to oppose the nomination of Rep. Tom Price for HHS Secretary!!!
- Today, Wednesday, January 18th: Senate Environment and Public Works Committee begins consideration of Scott Pruitt for Administrator of the EPA. Pruitt, a climate change denier and close ally of the fossil fuels industry, has used his position as Oklahoma Attorney General to undermine rules to protect the environment and public health.
Ask your Senators to oppose the nomination of Scott Pruitt for EPA Administrator!!!
Figure out who represents you in the Senate here and here.
Check out the Indivisible Action Calendar here for national and coordinated action events to stop the Trump Agenda!
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