Hi All,
Yesterday I had a great interview with Julie Castillo, the author of, Eat Local for Less: The Ultimate Guide to Opting Out of Our Broken Industrial Food System. Julie is a college anthropology instructor and writing instructor, and both of those professions have clearly informed her writing in this book. As a veteran of the publishing industry, Julie has written 2 novels and 13 non-fiction books, Julie brings a warmth and understanding of of the challenges it takes to convert a family from eating the traditional American diet, to eating locally, wholesome, and sustainably produced foods. She shares with the reader the different options of procuring local foods, along with the pros and cons of freshness, organic, price and convenience. If you are interested in taking your family down a path of eating healthier, local foods, check out our interview, along with her book!
Also, below are some links to help you get started:
Finding and Buying Local Food
Coop Directory Service: www.coopdirectory.org
Field to Plate: www.fieldtoplate.com
LocalHarvest, Inc.: www.localharvest.com
National Agricultural Statistics Service: www.nass.usda.gov
USDA Farmers’ Market Search: http://search.ams.usda.gov/farmersmarkets
Organizations that Support Local, Sustainable, and Equitable Food
Fairtrade International: www.fairtrade.net
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations: www.fao.org
Food Coop Initiative: www.foodcoopinitiative.coop
The Food Project: www.thefoodproject.org
Food Routes Network: www.foodroutes.org
Humane Farm Animal Care: www.certifiedhumane.org
Humanitarian Aid Groups Devoted to Food Self-Sufficiency
Farm Aid www.farmaid.org
Feeding America www.feedingamerica.org
Heifer International www.heifer.org
Oxfam America www.oxfamamerica.org
Oxfam International www.oxfam.org
Save the Children www.savethechildren.org
United Nations Children’s Fund www.unicef.org
WaterAid America www.wateraid.org
World Neighbors www.wn.org
Support for Home Gardeners
American Community Gardening Association: www.communitygarden.org
Backyard Beekeepers Association: at www.beeculture.com.
Permaculture Farming Blog: www.permaculturefarming.org
National Gardening Association: www.garden.org
United States National Arboretum Gardening Page: usna.usda.gov/Gardens/gardeningr.html
Long Island Community Agricultural Network
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