Improve the Lives of Animals; Join the Resistance Against Corporate Greed; Shutdown the Sales of Monsanto’s Toxic Chemicals; Convenience Kills

Submit Your Comments to the USDA and Support the Organic Animal Welfare Rule

We need to submit our comments to the USDA by June 9th in order to support the Organic Animal Welfare Rule! Known as the OLPP rule, our support will help to establish strong organic poultry and livestock standards
Here’s what you need to do:
1. Visit  and enter docket 
#AMS-NOP-17-0031; NOP-15-06A
2. It’s important to share your own thoughts as to why the USDA should let the OLPP rule take effect in November without delay. Use these talking points to help tell your story.
Tell your representative: “I strongly support the new organic animal welfare regulations put forward on January 18, 2017. These new rules level the playing field for farmers and are critical to preserving trust in the organic label.” 
3. You can also mail your comments to:
Paul Lewis, Director, Standards Division
National Organic Program
1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Room 2642-So.
Ag Stop 0268
Washington, DC 20250-0268
“Every day the USDA doesn’t act is a day some chickens don’t get to see the light of day.” – Friends of the Earth
Share the news and raise awareness about the harmful conditions for these poor souls! Sign the FOE petition to Secretary Perdue here.  

Tell Your Senator People Before Corporations

“The Senate is dangerously close to passing a bill that would give the biggest corporations in our country even more say over laws designed to protect people and the planet.” – Food and Water Watch

Support Organic Standards and Protect Public Health and the Environment

Tell Amazon, Home Depot and Walmart to stop selling Monsanto’s Roundup which is proven to be harmful for people and the planet! The industrialization of our food system has had a devastating impact on millions and ultimately affected our farmers, now increasing their use of toxic pesticides to keep up with Big Ag. In turn, our public health has been jeopardized… 

Sign and share this petition on social media or email to family and friends! Stand up for the future of our children and our Mother Earth!! Please, vote with your dollar and safeguard organic standards today

Small Products That Make a Huge Difference

Convenience is, of course, what most people want (some even say they need it) to get by in their day to day. Yes, I know we all have our idiosyncratic behaviours or first-world rituals which we’ve grown accustomed to, BUT the truth is that what we think are small decisions actually have a large impact and ripple out continuously… Check out this article to see what products you might be using without knowing the harm you might be doing to you, others and the world!