Ban Bee-killing Pesticides from Grocery Stores NOW
“Neonicotinoid pesticides, or neonics, are the world’s most widely used insecticides. Neonics are used as a seed coating on more than 140 crops and applied as a spray and as soil drenches. And a growing body of science points to neonics as a leading factor in bee population declines. Along with our partners, CREDO members have successfully pressured the garden industry to nearly reject bee-killing neonics. Over 110 retailers including Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart and True Value have all committed to ditch these pesticides.” – Credo Action Team
Tell Kroger: Stop selling food grown with bee-killing pesticides
Chip in Today to Help Create Innovative Mobile App
Center for Food Safety is working to develop a new mobile app called Wild Bee ID. The app will be designed to educate and inspire users about the thousands of species of native bees and what we can do to help conserve these essential pollinators!
Donate here to help create the Wild Bee ID app which will be a go-to app in identifying native bees and pollinator-friendly habitats. It’s filled with high-resolution images of native bees and the flowers they visit; background on the different bee lifecycles, anatomy, and nesting requirements; and concrete steps you can take to help protect pollinators.
Tell California’s EPA/OEHHA (The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment ) to support Proposition 65 with a level of ZERO Glyphosate in our food, water and air. Comment here
Tell the USDA to Protect Our Health, Farmers and the Environment – NO to GMO!
The GMO apple could hit supermarkets this fall!!!! This “science experiment” disguised as food was produced using a new technique called gene silencing. It could pose health risks, hurt farmers and damage our environment. The USDA should be stopping risky new products like this. But the agency is still using 20-year-old rules to review them. Friends of the Earth needs our help to change that!
Sign the petition to strengthen the rules against riskly GMO Crops!
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