Sandy5 March for Awareness; October Challenge: Eat LOCAL, Eat ORGANIC; Plan a #giveHealthyFoodDrive

Sandy5 March for Awareness COMING OCT. 28th

On October 28th, New Yorker’s will come together to remember the lives lost and the damage incurred from Sandy. And we will do more than remember: we will demand our representatives go beyond the small steps they’ve taken so far, and champion bold and immediate climate action towards a just transition.

In solidarity with those who lost family members, homes, incomes, and security to Superstorm Sandy, participants are making these demands of New York’s elected officials.

Sierra Club Launches New Campaign to Eat LOCAL & ORGANIC

Image result for farmers market eat local imagesJoin the campaign for a twelve-month long challenge which will reduce your carbon footprint and make a difference for so many lives today!

“Small changes in your everyday lives can make a huge difference for the future of our planet. In October, focus on shopping at your local Farmer’s Market, check the labels on food at the grocery store, and eat at restaurants that use local ingredients.” – Sierra Club Team

Planning a Fall Food Drive??? Find Your Resources Here to Make it a GiveHealthy Food Drive

Whether or not you like to cook for the hungry (ahem, I do!!), or maybe collecting coats, hats, scarves, and other necessary items is your go-to, there are plenty of possibilities for you to help out this holiday season. Included among these, and most popularly, are food drives, which happen everywhere from schools to hospitals to grocery stores. But, what if this year you and I advocated strongly for something healthier, rather than simply canned and often excessively processed foods that are typically high in sodium and fat??? Please consider joining me this Fall season in the Give Healthy campaign to get more fresh produce and fruit into the hands of children and families in need.

Check out their resources here to make the job of organizing your #GiveHealthy drive super easy and rewarding.  They want to “help you supercharge your community and raise lots of healthy food for the hunger organization you want to support.” – Give Healthy Food Drive Team