Tell Your Senators: Save Our Marine Monuments!
“Senators have a critical role to play in the battle to protect our cherished ocean places for the American people — and keep them off limits to oil and gas drilling, industrial fishing, mining, and other threats. Tell your senators to demand that President Trump end this assault on our oceans, and all of America’s public lands and waters, before it’s too late.” – National Resource Defense Council, Take Action Campaigns here.
The Brookhaven Division of Land Management will be reviewing the Pine Lake property this week, to determine whether it’s “worth” preserving. Please sign and SHARE this petition. The more momentum there is, the more likely we can save this last bit of wilderness, next to this already over-developed lake.
“This land, located opposite of the lake on Church Lane in the Pine Barrens Compatible Growth Area, has served as a safe-haven for at least three, healthy rafters of turkey (including TWO, rare and beautiful smoke-phase turkeys!!) as well as a good-sized herd of deer. Additionally, there are eastern box turtles, great horned owls, and bats inhabiting the property. Heron, egrets, osprey, and ducks also frequent this wooded parcel. More than likely, a good search would also turn up endangered and/or threatened botanical species.”
A Short Note From Food Activist and Writer, Michael Pollan
“Our industrial food system is a brilliantly productive system when all goes according to plan. It is also a brittle system — one that works well only as long as you can hold variables like weather steady, which is precisely what we won’t be able to do in an age of climate change. But agriculture has the potential to actually help roll back a significant portion of the impact of all sectors on the climate. What if we did what we did in the 1930s? What if we responded with urgency and encouraged farmers and eaters to take care of the soil once again? This is what Slow Food is doing, and what the Slow Food Climate Pledge is all about. Slow Food has been the most visionary and effective movement to connect the dots in food, between farming and gastronomy and political action. We need a very different way of conceiving our relationship with nature. Will you take a moment to sign the pledge and make a change in your daily food?”
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