In the News: Dear Governor Cuomo Documentary, Just Label It, Terra Madre Day, Narrow Prop 37 Defeat

‘Dear Governor Cuomo’ Premieres in NYC

Last night, I went to the NY screening of Dear Governor Cuomo, a documentary film about the rally and concert that took place May 15th, in Albany, to protest fracking in New York State. The film captured the spirit and the emotion of the day, and transferred it to all of us in the theater. The music was heartfelt, and the stories of people in other states, where they have lived through the nightmare of fracking in their backyards, brought me to tears.

The thought that this industry could come to New York is terrifying, and hearing about how the laws were manipulated to protect the gas companies and not the people, is infuriating. I am so mad! I want everyone to see this movie and to spread the word. New Yorkers Against Fracking, along with Food and Water Watch, are leading this movement and we all need to get involved. After you see this film, you will understand the urgency and the importance of getting involved. In the meantime, please call Governor Cuomo’s office and tell him to Ban Fracking Now! Call Today!  1-866-584-6799 or send him a message!

Just Label It!

Along with millions of other people around the world, several well-known actors, musicians, chefs and health professionals have partnered with the Just Label It campaign to promote federal labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods.  In addition to the 27 artists who appear in the video below, many other notables are stepping forward to support Our Right to Know What is in Our Food.  It’s our right to know what is in our food!

Terra Madre Day: Celebrating Local Foods in Your Community

Slow Food International has designated December 10th as Terra Madre Day, a day for community members to gather in celebration of local food. Uniting food communities in 160 countries, Terra Madre Day will highlight the important work done the world over by those building community gardens, protecting indigenous food sources, and supporting local farmers, in a diverse but concerted effort to create an alternative model of food production and consumption. Read the Terra Madre stories of the Czech Republic, Norway, and Italy, then be sure help make the story in your own community by joining us for the Slow Food Huntington Terra Madre Day event at the Cinema Arts Centre on December 9th.

Votes Shows Narrow Defeat of Proposition 37

According to an analysis of the vote on California’s Proposition 37 by the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), the final tally of votes was even closer than first reported on election day. Narrowing to a 51% – 48% defeat, OCA notes that the measure was defeated mostly among early voters. A majority of voters casting ballots on election day supported the proposition, but this was not enough to make up for losses in early voting. A new campaign supporting GMO labeling has begun in the state of Washington, where supporters are collecting signature to place a measure on the 2013 ballot. In addition to the strength of the Just Label It campaign, the movement claiming our right to know continues to gain strength in a nation-wide boycott against the companies, including subsidiary brands like Silk, Naked Juice, Kashi, and Ben & Jerry’s, that contributed to the media campaign against Proposition 37.