Today I had the privilege of interviewing Karen Washington, an urban farmer and community activist who has been working for the past 25 years, to improve the quality of life in NYC and the Bronx through community gardens and food justice issues.
Karen has spear headed the local food movement in the Bronx, and has turned many empty lots into flourishing community gardens, that represents the diversity of the people that live there. She is a board member of the New York Botanical Gardens, and of Just Food, leading workshops on growing food and food justice to gardeners all over the city. She also Co-Founded the Black Urban Growers (BUGS), an organization of volunteers committed to building networks and community support for growers in both urban and rural settings.
And this is just what she does in her spare time! Karen is a licensed Physical Therapist, and has been working in that field for the past 30 years. Listen to the show below.
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The recipe from this show is Late Summer Curry Medley.
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