iEat Green Shares Interview with Barry Estabrook, Author of “Tomatoland; From Harvest of Shame to Harvest of Hope””

Hi All,

Last Thursday, I had a great interview and conversation with Barry Estabrook about the new and revised edition of his book Tomatoland. When it first came out, it was called Tomatoland; How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit, but now, the revised edition is Tomatoland; From Harvest of Shame to Harvest of Hope. It is rare to see such a radical change in an industry in such a short time, but thanks to Barry’s book, the documentary film Food Chains, and other reports on the slavery and abuse that was rampant on the tomato farms in Florida, there has been a 180 degree turnaround! It really is remarkable!! The Coalition of Immokalee Workers, the farmworker community organization behind the many achievements in the fields of social responsibility, farm workers rights, human trafficking, and gender-based violence at work, has been growing and getting national recognition.  Check them out and support their work. There is a national boycott on Wendy’s Fast Food, because they are the one fast food hold out, that is not willing to pay the one cents more per pound, in order to pay the farm worker a more livable wage.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it below, and please share it with your friends and family. This is important stuff!!