48 States, 277 Events. and Over 55,000 People Came Out to the Streets!!

I was glad to be one of the thousands of people in Union Square last night! The energy was high, the speakers were great, the singing was moving, and I was proud to be standing up for what I believe in!

It is difficult in this political climate to stay optimistic and hopeful, yet when I join with other Americans fighting for democracy, standing in solidarity with immigrants, and trying to put forth LOVE instead of hate or fear, I come away in the belief that we will overcome this racist, bigoted, horrible man in the White House. I think the wall is just a distraction, while he works his twisted foreign policy around the globe, waiting for the shit to hit the fan with the Mueller investigation. Let’s not give up, and let’s make sure the rest of the world knows that most American’s will not follow this deranged man down the pigeon hole.