iEat Green Radio: An Interview with Wenonah Hauter

Yesterday, I had the privilege of interviewing Wenonah Hauter, the Executive Director of Food & Water Watch and author of the new book, Foodopoly: The Battle Over the Future of Food in America. Speaking with her, and learning more about the history of our food system, I was given a clearer picture of the root of the problem and a vision of what it will take to make real change. The deregulation and weakening of anti-trust laws has created an environment of corporate consolidation and mono-crop agriculture, where grocery powerhouses like Wal-Mart and bio-tech companies like Monsanto get to call the shots. Her new book, Foodopoly, is full of so much information it was hard to squeeze it into our 45 minute conversation. The most important thing that I got out of conversation and that I would like to share with all of you is how important it is for all of us to get involved in the politics surrounding these issues. It will not be an easy battle but it is a necessary one if we want to reclaim our food system and see this planet continue for our future generations.

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