iEat Green Shares Interview with Maryam Henein, Documentary Filmmaker and Independent Journalist

Hi All,

I had a very interesting interview with Maryam Henein yesterday, not only about her film, Vanishing of the Bees, but about her experience with Google and other social media platforms. It seems Google is now censoring information and not making alternative websites available to the public when they do a google search. As disturbing as this information was, I was not surprised. With what is going on in our current administration and our country’s polarized reality, it seems to be the new normal! Google, like so many other big corporations, have their hands involved in so many different arenas, that finding a “conflict of interest” is an everyday occurrence.

Google has invested in the pharmaceutical world, with companies like Calico, Verily Life Sciences, and even the European pharmaceutical giant, GlaxoSmithKline, one of the world’s leading vaccine manufacturers. Together, they formed a new drug company, Galvani Bioelectronics. Google’s president of customer solutions, is on the board at Merck, another huge vaccine producer. GV, the venture capital arm of Google’s parent company, Alphabet, has also invested in Vaccitech—a company who is developing a vaccine that would be the first in the world to fight all types of flu, with the hope of having it ready to roll out in 2023. With investments like this, Google wants everyone to get vaccinated. The more people getting vaccines, the more money they make. It is not about health! (but we already knew that!) It’s about making money!

According to a 2018 Department of Justice report, the annual flu shot is the most dangerous vaccine in the United States. Vaccines are a billion-dollar business, and growing! It is no surprise that google wants to limit any information that would shed a negative light on vaccines.

And this censoring problem is not limited to vaccines, it is across the board, whether you are searching information on 5G technology, GMO’s (genetically modified organisms), or universal health care. As I have always said, you need to follow the money, and stay informed.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here!