Take Action: Tell Congress to Ban Cyanide Bombs! End the Loophole that Allows Fracking Waste to Not Be Treated as Hazardous Waste!

Let’s Put an End to Cyanide Bombs!

I had no idea that the EPA re-approved the use of M-44 “cyanide bombs” to kill predators that prey on grazing livestock! There are many other ways to deal with predators, without using these toxic bombs. Cyanide bombs are small, poison-filled land mines filled with food and placed on rural land with the intent of killing predators, but unfortunately, they kill dogs and other domesticated animals as well.

>Tell your Congressional Representative to support H.R. 2471, banning the use of Compound 1080 and M-44 cyanide bombs for predator control. Thank those who have already co-sponsored.


End the Loophole!

Since 2010, more than 608,000 tons of solid waste and 23,000 barrels of liquid waste have been shipped from Pennsylvania to New York landfills and wastewater treatment facilities for disposal — all of it exempt from hazardous waste regulations. New York may have banned fracking, but we still allow fracking waste to come into the State, and we don’t regulate how it is disposed of.

Passing legislation to close the fracking hazardous waste loophole cannot wait and we’re very close to success! During its 2019 session, the Senate passed legislation sponsored by Senator Rachel May and Assemblymember Steve Englebright to close this exemption, but it stalled in the Assembly.  

Contact your state legislators today and urge them to pass the fracking hazardous waste loophole bill in the 2020 legislative session!