iEat Green Shares Interview with Mitchel Cohen and Robin Falk Esser About, “The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides”

Hi All,

I just got off the air with Mitchel Cohen and Robin Falk Esser, who are contributors to the book, The Fight Against Monsanto’s Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides, and is edited by Mitchel. The book is an exposé about the toxic dangers of Roundup and Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, and why it is still being sold worldwide, even though it is a known carcinogen and a climate disruptor. Basically, it all comes down to big business, profit over health or the environment, and the ties that these huge corporations have over our government.

Luckily, the courts seem to be on our side, and huge lawsuits are being won against Bayer (the new owners of Monsanto) by people who have gotten sick using Roundup. Evidence has come out that Monsanto knew how toxic Roundup was, yet they kept that information hidden from the public. The question is; Why do they keep selling it, even with this new evidence? There are thousands of lawsuits still pending, and the hope is that Roundup will be banned worldwide.

As of now, 7 countries have banned the product, yet there are other toxic pesticides waiting in the sidelines. That is why we need to push for the Green New Deal to address the Industrial Agricultural System, and to ban the use of pesticides and GMO’s in the growing of our food. To join the movement and get up to date information, go to The Politics of Pesticides, Beyond Pesticides or US Right to Know.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here!

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