Take Action: Protect Healthy School Food! Ask Your Congress Member to Co-Sponsor the Green New Deal; Tell Congress to Support the Farm System Reform Act; Federal Aid Must Support Farmers, Not Corporations.

Protect Healthy School Food!

We have until April 22, 2020, to try to block this proposal. For so many children, the food they get at school is all that they have, and it’s important that is consists of fresh fruits and vegetables. Please don’t let the current administration remove all of the improvements we have made over the years!

Tell the Trump administration: stop weakening school nutrition standards.



TAKE ACTION: Ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor the Green New Deal

Covid19 has highlighted the inequities in our healthcare system, in our food system, in our education system, in our environmental protections, and in our lack of protection for “essential workers.”  We need to re-look at how decisions are made so that everyone can benefit from the ‘American Dream’. Please ask your Congress members to support the Green New Deal!


TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to pass the Farm System Reform Act

We need to put an end to factory farms, and we need to do it now! According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about one of four new or emerging infectious diseases originate in animals, and three of five infectious diseases are spread by animals. This pandemic is just a taste of what our future holds. “Livestock health is the weakest link in our global health chain.” Tell Congress to Pass the Farm System Reform Act!


Federal aid must support farmers, not corporations.

The CARES Act relief package recently passed by Congress authorized billions in agricultural aid, to be distributed by the US Department of Food and Agriculture (USDA). The problem? Congress didn’t tell USDA how to distribute the funds, and right now, agency officials are making critical decisions about who will receive these funds. We want the funds to go to small family farmers and farmworkers, not huge agribusiness factory farms!

Urge USDA to ensure aid reaches farmers who are providing food to local and regional markets, and goes to actual producers — not corporate agribusinesses.


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