iEat Green Radio: An Interview with Caryn Hartglass

My guest this morning was Caryn Hartglass, a fellow PRN host of her own show, “It’s All About Food,” and founder of the non-profit RESPONSIBLE EATING AND LIVING: REAL Truth and Tools for Healthy Eating, Wellness and Green Livingorganization, REAL (Responsible Eating and Living). Since we are both so passionate about food, on every level, from growing it, harvesting it, shopping for it, cooking it and eating it, we thought all of our listeners would appreciate the introduction, and the opportunity to hear from one another. In the past couple of weeks, both Caryn and I had Wenona Hauter on our shows, to talk about her new book, Foodopoly, and we used this time to delve deeper into the book and to discuss some of the root problems in our food system, from grocery powerhouses like Walmart driving the supply chain, to corporate consolidation and the weakening of anti-trust laws, to mono-crop agriculture and industrial farms and the the bio-tech companies controlling the seeds. On top of that, we have poor consumer education, unfair labor laws, and government officials with long ties in corporate sectors, adding to the problem. The bottom line is, this is a big problem that is not just going to be solved by us buying organic. It is going to take political involvement by the masses on a systemic level, to strengthen the anti-trust laws, to break up the food monopolies, to rid farming of unsafe, mono-crop production and to establish fair pay for those that work in the fields and on the production lines. If you missed the shows, I hope you have a chance to go back into the archives and listen! On Tuesday at 4pm, Caryn interviewed me! You can listen below.

My interview with Caryn can also be found here.

I thank you all for your continued support! Please rate my show on iTunes and add your comments to my blog posts and recipes.
In peace and love,


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