We need Biden to show the nation that he is on board to dismantle systemic racism. Choosing an economic advisor who has said that developing countries should bear the brunt of toxic waste because poor people produce less economic value, is not the right man for the job! He has also said that “biological differences” mean that women are not as good as men at science and math, which we know is not true! He pushed to deregulate Wall Street, leading to the financial crisis of 2008, and he supported the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. This is definitely not the right man for the job!!
If this choice is an example of the team that Biden plans on putting together, then I am very disappointed! What kind of experts will he have advising him? There is a mounting chorus of people calling on Joe Biden to kick Larry Summers off his team — but he won’t act unless he hears from outraged voters like you!
Please Tell Joe Biden to Get Rid of Larry Summers!
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