Take Action: People Power Stopped the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, the DAPL Pipeline and the Keystone XL Pipeline, Now We Need to Do It for The Williams Pipeline!! Help Put an End to Toxic Pesticides Killing Our Bees!

Put an End to the Williams Pipeline!

It seems like just a few weeks ago we were celebrating the denial of the Williams Pipeline. Well, somehow it seems to keep popping its big head back up! The power of the people cancelled the plans for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline, the Dakota Access Pipeline, and even the Keystone XL Pipeline, and now we need to do it again in New York, for the Williams Pipeline. We have been fighting this pipeline for years, and Governor Cuomo denied the permit at least three times, but now it seems there are negotiations going on behind closed doors!!

Tell the Public Service Commission (PSC): We demand transparency and accountability!

According to the last court settlement, National Grid was fined millions of dollars, and was required to come up with a long-term plan to meet energy needs downstate by June. Instead, National Grid and the PSC are negotiating behind closed doors and are keeping out the public!

Speak out and submit a comment today.


Tell Bayer: No more bee-killing pesticides. Bees are essential for our food system!

Bees and other pollinators are responsible for pollinating our food supply, and they are under attack. In 2019, we lost 40% of our honeybee population, and they are at risk of extinction.

Toxic pesticides, known as neonicotinoids, are responsible for much of their decline and we need to speak up and get them off of the market!!

Bayer, formally Monsanto, is the largest producer of insecticides, including Roundup.

Tell Bayer: Protect the bees! Stop selling toxic neonicotinoid pesticides!


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