Take Action: Ask Governor Cuomo to Sign the Streams Bill! Grow a Climate Victory Garden and Help Sequester Carbon from the Atmosphere!

New York Legislature finely passed new protections for 41,000 miles of streams in New York State, including more than 9,000 in the Hudson River Watershed. Now we are waiting for the Governor to sign it into law!

These new state protections are essential, given the assault on clean water protections by the Trump administration. Take Action >




Grow a Climate Victory Garden and Help Sequester Carbon from the Atmosphere!

We all are concerned about the Climate Crisis, and yet the problem seems so big that we can feel helpless. Well, during WW II, Victory Gardens produced 40% of the fresh fruits and vegetable consumed, and we can do that again! But this time we are calling it “Climate Victory Gardens

Climate Victory Gardening is all about protecting and building healthy soils. This healthy soil sequesters carbon from the atmosphere and stores it in the ground.

The more people who plant gardens, the more carbon we can sequester. Join in with Green America, and help to make a difference!


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