Our Broken Food System is Linked to Environmental and Racial Injustice, Including Climate Change, Food Insecurity, the Pandemic, and Poor Health!
For years, research has shown that the industrial food system, and it’s impact on climate change, has a direct link to poor health outcomes, including the pandemic and the obesity crisis in this country. And like so many of the issues we are struggling with these days, the problem effects low income communities and people of color at much higher and alarming rates.
Senator Cory Booker, along with a coalition of 300 farm, food, and environmental advocacy organizations sent a letter to Congress urging them to support a bill that would reduce and eventually eliminate CAFO’s (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations).
Industrial farming outweighs willpower in obesity crisis, experts say
Nowhere are Changes Caused by Global Warming More Apparent then in the Arctic, Where Snow and Ice are Being Replaced by Open Water and Rain!
Sea ice is shrinking, temperatures are rising, rainy days are replacing snowy days, and the coastlines are eroding. The climate has changed so much and so fast, that researchers don’t know what to expect. The changes are threatening the food supply that native Alaskan villages depend on, and many are considering the need to relocate.
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