Take Action: Don’t Let Floating Factory Farms Take Over our Oceans! Support the “Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act”

Factory Farms are Moving to Our Oceans, and We Need to STOP Them!!

There is a proposed bill in Congress that would allow industrial ocean fish farms to pollute the water the same way they polluted our land, with untreated fish waste, excess feed, agricultural drugs and pesticides, and heavy metals and chemicals. Our oceans and marine life are already suffering, with overfishing and plastic pollution. These new factory fish farms would spread disease and pests, threaten the remaining wildlife, and put sustainable fishermen out of business.

We still have a chance to stop this bill and protect our oceans from these polluting facilities, but we need everyone to speak up now!

Help protect our oceans: Tell Congress to oppose industrial ocean fish farms!

Tell Congress to Support the “Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act

Did you know that our farmland is 48 times more toxic to insects, like bees and other pollinators than it was 25 years ago? That is why it is imperative that we convince Congress that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and the USDA (Dept. of Agriculture) must listen to the science, and prevent the catastrophic ecosystem collapse that we are headed for!

Senator Tom Udall and Representative Joe Neguse have proposed the Protect America’s Children from Toxic Pesticides Act (PACTPA) which would offer protections against dangerous pesticides, protect the right of farmworkers to report pesticide injury, and open a petition process that empowers anyone in the U.S. to ask the EPA to re-review any pesticide that they have concerns about.

Please add your name to The Center for Food Safety‘s petition to support these groundbreaking pesticide protections!

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