In the News: TED Launches Global Countdown! The Real Organic Project Launches New Label! GE Will No Longer Build Any New Coal Plants Anywhere in the World!!

The TED Organization Launches Global Countdown for Climate Activists!

Countdown, organized by TED and Future Stewards, will bring millions of people together to spotlight and celebrate the flourishing climate movement and the solutions that are transforming our global economy for a safer, healthier planet.

Tune in to TED’s Youtube channel at 11:00 am ET / 8:00 am PT on October 10, 2020. And check out the incredible lineup of climate leaders on their website,



The Real Organic Project Launches New Label with 500 Participating Farms!

It’s been 3 years since the National Organic Standards Board meeting in Jacksonville, Florida ignored the concerns of organic farmers and sided with the big corporations in weakening our standards. This led to the formation of the Real Organic Project, and now a new label that you can trust!




General Electric (GE) announces that it will no longer build new coal plants anywhere in the world.

This is a major victory for Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and global grassroots environmental groups who called on GE to cancel their coal plant program in order to curb carbon emissions.

It is time for GE to put their money towards clean, affordable energy solutions that are abundant and more affordable than ever. Unfortunately, GE has not committed to canceling      their already existing coal plant projects, but our friends at NRDC will continue to put the pressure on.

Please, help them keep the pressure on GE by sending a message directly to their Board and sustainability department, urging them to cancel all coal plant projects.


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