iEat Green Shares Interview with Richard Schwartz, Author of ‘Vegan Revolution: Saving the World. Revitalizing Judaism’

Hi All,

This past week I interviewed Richard Schwartz about his new book, Vegan Revolution: Saving the World. Revitalizing Judaism. Richard has been promoting a vegan diet for most of his adult life, and is passionate about sharing his knowledge on the connection our food system has with global warming, our health, and Jewish doctrine. He pointed out six fundamental teachings of Judaism that all point to a vegan diet; to take care of our health, to treat animals with compassion, to protect the environment, to conserve resources, to not to waste or unnecessarily destroy anything of value, and to help the needy. All of these issues are discussed in the Torah, and Richard is an expert at explaining the reasons why making the choice to be vegan is the best choice for our health, for the animals, and for the environment.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here;




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