iEat Green Shares Interview with Kendra Pierre-Lewis, Author of “Green Washed: Why We Can’t Buy Our Way to a Green Planet,”

Hi All,

I just finished my conversation with Kendra Pierre-Louis, and I came away with a renewed energy to keep pushing for systemic change, on the local, state and federal level. Our consumerism (and need to reduce it ) can certainly have an effect on the climate crisis, but the real change needs to come from policy and re-thinking of all of our systems through the lens of climate change, and protecting the delicate, natural balance of bio-diversity. Kendra’s journalism focuses on climate change and science, emphasising the relationship between humans and our environment. Her book, “Green Washed: Why We Can’t Buy Our Way to a Green Planet,”  is as relevant today as when she wrote it back in 2012.

She is now a senior climate reporter with the Gimlet/Spotify podcast, How to Save a Planet,  where they cover topics ranging from buying electric cars, to construction in Miami even though it will be under water in 80 years. Her knowledge and understanding of the problems we face is paramount. Check out her podcasts and if you missed our interview, you can listen to it here;



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