iEat Green Shares Interview with Gigi Pomerantz, Founder of “Youthaiti”

Hi Everyone,

This past week I had the privilege of interviewing Gigi Pomerantz, the founder and inspiration behind Youthaiti, a non-profit organization committed to building ecological sanitation facilities in communities throughout Haiti. In addition to their core mission, Youthaiti has been able to adapt to the needs of the rural communities where they work, adding community gardens, health education, and a Tree Nursery Project to their roster.

Their Center for Sustainable Development acts as a community gathering place, and provides accommodations for people who travel from overseas or from other communities for training programs and to volunteer. The Center also provides many young Haitians with their first “hands-on” experience with ecological technologies, including the 3 styles of ecological toilets they build, permaculture practices, and growing their own food.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it here;


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