Take Action: Tell Congress We Need Medicare For All!

If the pandemic showed us anything, it showed us that people with pre-existing health conditions were more vulnerable to negative outcomes from the Covid-19 virus, than those who were healthy. Chronic illnesses, such as obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, osteoporosis, high cholesterol, stroke, tooth decay, and even some cancers are linked to poor diet. Unfortunately, the way our food system is set up, the unhealthy foods are cheap and subsidized, while the fresh, healthy foods, are more costly, and out of reach for many Americans. Health insurance too, is set up for big profits, and is not affordable to millions of Americans. We need to fix this! We need to make healthy foods and good medical care affordable to everyone, and the way to do that is to pass a Medicare for All insurance system, where the goal of keeping everyone healthy is also good for the bottom line, and get food lobbyists out of politics.

U.S. Reps. Pramila Jayapal and Debbie Dingell reintroduced Medicare for All legislation in the House of Representatives. Please sign this petition now to let your elected official know that you want them to support Medicare for All today.


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