Take Action: Tell the New EPA Director that We Need to Ban Pesticides Immediately! Tell Congress: Fake Meat Needs Safety-Testing, Just Like All GMOs! Join In NYS’s Climate, Jobs and Justice Week of Action!

The Time is Past Due to Ban Toxic Pesticides!

Michael Regan, the new EPA Administrator, has the power to ban or restrict some of the most dangerous pesticides, and we need to let him know how important that is to us and to our environment. Banning these toxic pesticides will protect farmworkers, rural communities, and our children from health-harming chemicals.

We also need to let USDA Secretary, Tom Vilsack, know how important these issues are to us!

Please sign on to the Organic Consumer Association’s joint letter, today!

The Biden Administration has made a commitment to improving public health, limiting exposure to pesticides and other dangerous chemicals, and holding corporations accountable for contaminating low-income communities and communities of color. They are also committed to addressing climate justice and racial justice, but all of these goals will require policy changes which are difficult to make, when corporations hold so much power over our government.

That’s why the EPA and USDA must reduce the influence of corporate lobbyists. Please sign on today to support our call for real change.

Take Action


Tell Congress: Fake Meat Needs Safety-Testing, Just Like All GMOs!

Not all fake meat is created equal! Impossible Foods uses genetic engineering to make their fake meat bleed, and there are real questions as to the safety of their product. Like all foods made with genetic engineering and synthetic biology, we need to demand safety-testing before we start eating it.

TAKE ACTION: Tell Congress to press the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to safety test the GMO Impossible Burger!



The People’s Climate Movement has Organized a Week of Action, from April 5th – 9th, and They Need Our Support!

I am so thankful that the new administration is taking the climate crisis seriously, and are willing to look at the policy changes that need to be made for real action to take place.

Our society needs to deal with so many issues simultaneously, from the pandemic, to unemployment, to hate crimes, to social and racial injustice, to hunger and food access, and immigration, just to name a few.

The Climate, Jobs, and Justice Week of Action begins on Monday, April 5th, and is set to address many of these problems. We need to start by passing the NY State Climate and Community Investment Act (CCIA), and the national THRIVE Act in Congress!

Register now to be on the Kick Off call

The Week of Action will include 50 virtual lobby visits, dozens of in-person (COVID-cautious) rallies, call-in days, and a big town hall meeting at the end of the week. Click here for a more detailed run-down of the week’s activities and how you can get involved. 

If you live in New York City we hope you will join our citywide, in-person event on Wednesday, April 7 in Union Square starting at 5 pm. We will gather on the south side of Union Sq., across the street from the Climate Clock and then march to Washington Square Park.

Finally, we hope you will help make sure that the Peoples Climate Movement-NY has the resources they need to keep doing this work. They are deeply involved with several coalitions (NY Renews, Climate Works for All, and others) and they maintain a full program of projects that they initiate. Even though they have a small budget, they make a difference. They rely on people like us to help make sure they have the financial support they need.

Please take a moment to figure out what you can give, and then click here to make the most generous contribution possible. Every dollar is put to work.



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