In the News: Cutting Methane Emissions is Critical to Reducing Climate Change! The Biden Administration Takes on Climate Change; The NY Times has a “Guide for Kids” that We All Need to Read!!

Cutting Methane Emissions is Critical to Reducing Climate Change!

Methane, the main component of natural gas, and a far worse polluter for the environment than CO2, is the most toxic emission coming out of fossil fuel extraction.

Both carbon dioxide and methane levels in the atmosphere reached record highs last year,  and we need to reign that in, big time!! 


President Biden Hosts Climate Summit for World Leaders!

President Biden is taking the Climate Crisis seriously, and is making it a focal point of his administrations work. This past week, he hosted the “Leaders’ Summit on Climate”, a virtual meeting with nations from around the world, pledging to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in half by 2030, and offering assistance to other countries as well. Unfortunately, the United States is late coming to the table, and many countries are skeptical of our ability to do it. Historically, the US has been the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, but currently it is China, and they are tying their willingness to cut emissions to politics, and the US’s ability to stay out of their foreign affairs. Other nations, such as Australia, India, Indonesia, Mexico and Russia made no new pledges to cut their emissions, while some took offense for being asked to cut their emissions, even though they had contributed little to the problem. All of this is setting the stage for the big United Nations Summit on Climate scheduled for November in Glasgow.

In the meantime, as conscious individuals, we need to do our part in reducing our own global footprint by making good choices in the products we purchase, in the food we eat, in the waste we discard, and in the fossil fuels we consume. Every little bit helps.

Take a moment to read the NY Times Guide for Kids. It’s a short, simple explanation of the problem and the things we can do to help make it better.

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