In the News: Eleven Madison Park Goes Vegan and Epicurious Drops Beef Recipes!! A New Musical Monologue, “Earthsong” Celebrates Planetary Ecology!

One of the Best Restaurants in the World Goes Vegan!!

As more and more people wake up to the reality that our climate crisis is a real existential threat to humanity, they are looking at their own life choices, and are willing to make some changes. This is also happening on a business level, as people evaluate their work, and what they want their legacy to be. Last week, Epicurious, the online recipe site, announced they will no longer share recipes containing beef, due to it’s un-sustainability in the production process, and it’s contribution to climate change. “Our shift is solely about sustainability, about not giving airtime to one of the world’s worst climate offenders,” senior editor Maggie Hoffman and former digital director David Tamarkin wrote in a post announcing the decision.
Then, just this morning, I heard on NPR, that Eleven Madison Park is going 100% plant based! This is a huge deal! Daniel Humm, who is the CEO and chef of Eleven Madison Park used his off time during the pandemic to think about his legacy and the impact he could have on society if he made this change. He sites the way food is sourced, the way it’s consumed and the way we eat meat as “not sustainable”, and he wants to set the culinary world in a new direction. He also tasted the wonders of giving to those who are in need, as his restaurant became a soup kitchen during much of the pandemic. In his new model at
Eleven Madison Park, he will build into the cost of the tasting meal, money towards feeding those in need. I am very excited to watch the trend, as more and more businesses start incorporating their ideals about social change, climate change and food justice into their business models. Daniel Humm is a leader on this path, and I honor him!
Artist and musician, Heather Forest, shares the debut of her latest work, EARTHSONG.
Earthsong is a musical monologue celebrating planetary ecology. Through storytelling, science, and original song this new work offers information and insights into Mother Earth’s cosmological, geological, and anthropological history. It encourages an awareness of planetary citizenship and a reverence for the inter-connectedness of all things in the web of life—“The Whole Earth is Home.”
Join the live virtual performance, and celebrate Mother Earth on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 9th at 7pm, EST!
Half your ticket proceeds will go to  global reforestation projects! Storytelling plants trees!


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