Take Action: Please Support the Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act!

Assemblywoman Donna Lupardo and Senator Michelle Hinchey – chairs of the State Assembly and Senate Agriculture committees – have introduced a Soil Health Bill for New York State, and we need your help in getting it passed!
The Soil Health and Climate Resiliency Act is a win for farmers, consumers, and communities across the state. This bill supports farmers in increasing adoption of soil health practices, which, in addition to improving soil health, also augment farm viability, improve water quality, promote resilience to extreme weather events both on-farm and in surrounding communities, and increase carbon sequestered in soils to help the state meet its climate goals.
NOFA-NY (Northeast Organic Farming Association) along with their allies fully supports this bill, and we need everyone to contact their state representatives to help get it passed. American Farmland Trust has an easy online form to let your legislators know you support a comprehensive soil health program for New York State.


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