Hi All,
I am so happy to be back at my desk, writing this newsletter to all of you, refreshed from a summer break. Three months have passed. Many things have changed, yet many things are the same. The pandemic is still here, wildfires are still raging, droughts, hurricanes and floodings are still challenging communities, and pipelines are still being built. We have a new Governor in New York, a new Little Island Park in Manhattan, and a new ban on Chlorpyrifos.
It was important for me to take a break this summer and focus on our family business and my garden. I had a group of wonderful interns, ranging in age from 14 to 62! We met every Wednesday and Friday, from 10am-3pm, planting, weeding, harvesting and cooking. At the end of the day, we sat down to a delicious meal that we all prepared together. I will miss them all, as they return to school and their lives, but I am so thankful that we had this time together. I am left with the end of the season harvesting and processing by my lonesome, so if anyone wants to lend a hand, let me know!

The pandemic continues to raise havoc in our world, and is preventing us from returning to normal. Or is this the new normal going forward? Will we ever be free of this mutating virus? No one seems to know the answer, and it is just another issue polarizing our country, our communities, and our friends and families. We need to make room in our hearts for everyone to deal with the pandemic in their own way, since there is no magic bullet shot to protect us from all of the emerging variants. The one universal agreement is, ‘the stronger your immune system is, the better your chances are of minimizing the negative effects of the virus, should you become infected.’ iEat Green will continue to share the wealth of knowledge from experts around the world, on the best ways to strengthen one’s immune system. Of course, how one goes about supporting their immune system is also up for debate, but we do agree that what you eat and the quality of the ingredients does makes a difference.
Christina Grace, CEO of Foodprint, Joins Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network!
My guest this week on the Progressive Radio Network is
Christina Grace. Christina is the founder and CEO of
Group, a design, training and technology business. Foodprint helps companies eliminate waste using thoughtful space design, best people practices and daily tracking of waste and its greenhouse gas impacts.
Christina is co-author of the NYC Zero Waste Design Guidelines, a 20-year expert in sustainable food systems and a trained cook based in Brooklyn.Christina has spent her career managing projects that drive economic development, address public health and mitigate climate change through a more sustainable food system. Before launching Foodprint, Christina managed the Urban Food Systems Program for the New York State
Department of Agriculture where she supported regional farm to market, farm to school, and urban agriculture initiatives.
My radio show, iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST. To tune in to the live show, just navigate to PRN.fm and listen in! Or, if you prefer, listen on the phone by calling 712-775-6850.
If you miss our live show please listen on iTunes by downloading the Podcast App.
If you want to call in during the show with any questions for me or my guest, the call-in number is 888-874-4888. If you are listening to the podcast after the live broadcast, you can still ask me a question by leaving me a voicemail message at 862-800-6805. Just remember to say your name, what show you’re calling about (iEat Green with Bhavani), and your question. The message will be passed on to me, and I will get back to you.
With Love and Gratitude,
Come follow me on Social Media

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