Hi All,
I want to share with you my interview with Jim Goodman about the history of Parity in our country, how it relates to farm products, and the lack of parity now our current food system. Farmers are responsible for the food we eat, and they deserve to be able to make a fair living wage while doing it. Jim Goodman is a team member of the editorial group at Disparity to Parity, a non-profit organization working to mandate fair pricing and update supply management to build a racially just, economically empowered, and climate resilient food system. They are working hard to get more politicians to take on this issue, and help demand fair pricing for our farmers.
Jim’s farming roots trace back to his great-grandparents immigration from Ireland during the famine and the farm’s original purchase in 1848. Jim credits more years of failed farm and social policy than he cares to think about, as his motivation to advocate for a farmer-controlled consumer-oriented food system.
When you go to the Disparity to Parity website, you will find many topics to choose from. Jim recommends starting with the History of Parity, to get an understanding of how parity was originally set up during the depression, and how it could be useful now.
If you missed our interview, you can listen to it below.
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