iEat Green Recognizes the Land We Sit On; Beth Hoffman, Author of “Bet the Farm” Joins Bhavani on PRN!

Hi All,

Thanksgiving is around the corner, and while we all enjoy this tradition of bringing our family and friends together around a convivial table, it is also important to acknowledge the land we sit on, and the violence and genocide that went along with acquiring that land. Below, I am sharing with you an opinion article from the New York Times that came out last year, which explains the true history of how our land grant universities were gifted stolen land from Indigenous nations to fund their endowments. These universities were not necessarily aware of where the land came from, but they failed to ask. The result of which has brought inter-generational wealth to white folks, and their corporations and institutions, created tax bases for state and local governments, and set the stage for the citizens of tribal nations to be disadvantaged and treated unfairly to this day. The true history needs to be taught, and conversations need to get real, in order to make reparations, return land to tribal nations, and come to grips with our dark history.

This Thanksgiving, while acknowledging all you have to be thankful for, take a moment to contemplate the history of our ancestors and how we can move forward with a raised consciousness about systemic racism and ways to heal our relationships with black, brown, and Indigenous communities.


Bhavani Welcomes Beth Hoffman, Author of Bet the Farm, to the Progressive Radio Network!

Beth Hoffman is a beginning farmer on almost 530 acres in Iowa. For the last twenty years, she has worked as a journalist covering food and agriculture. Her work has been aired and published on NPR’s Morning EditionThe GuardianThe SaltLatino USA, and the News Hour. I hope you can join us and hear Beth’s personal story of the realities of running a farm and living in rural America.



My Radio Show

iEat Green with Bhavani on the Progressive Radio Network is live, every Thursday, from 10-11 am, EST.  To tune in to the live show, just navigate to and listen in! Or, if you prefer, listen on the phone by calling 712-775-6850.

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With Love and Gratitude,


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