50,000 Brave the Cold, for the Forward on Climate Rally in Washington, D.C.

Hi All,

This past Sunday, February 17th, was a demonstration of what can happen when people come together to stand up for what they believe! The time has come, for everyone to make Global Warming the most important issue to fight for, because if we don’t deal with this now, all of the other problems won’t matter.  Earth, as we know it, will no longer exist! The effects of global warming can be seen regularly now, with wild fires, intense storms, earthquakes, flooding, droughts, tsunamis, sea levels rising, temperatures warming, and events like Hurricane Sandy. The time to act is NOW! We can’t wait any longer, if we want our planet to survive and be here for our children and grandchildren. The desperate means that we are willing to go through, to extract fossil fuels, is only making the problem worse! We need to invest in renewable resources and all of us need to practice conservation. We need to invest in alternative energy and divest in all fossil fuel companies. We need to support creative problem solving, so our smartest students are working on new innovations for our future. We need to protect our food, water and air, from the devastating practices of Hydro-Fracking, Mountaintop Removal, and the Keystone XL Pipeline. Our resources are too fragile, to allow the oil and gas IMG_0824companies to exploit them for huge profits. We must all band together, and fight back. We can win this fight for the future of our planet, if everyone who cares, steps up to the plate and joins us in the next March on Washington! Stay tuned for more information on when that will be!

Click here to watch video footage of the rally.

In solidarity with Mother Earth and our Children, and in love and peace for our planet,
