iEat Green Shares Interview with Kate Mendenhall, Director of Organic Farmers Association!

Hi Everyone,

I just finished my interview with Kate Mendenhall, and came away with a new level of hope for the future of organics in this country.  Organic Farmers Association, is a national non-profit organization, who’s mission is to provide a strong and unified voice for domestic certified organic producers. This will be the first time that organic farmers will have an opportunity to represent themselves as a unified voice during negotiations of the Farm Bill. In the past, organizations like OTA (Organic Trade Association) and NOSB (National Organic Standards Board) were the only organic representation sitting at the table, and both of those organizations have been infiltrated with corporate interests that have the bottom line as their guiding light, and not the best interests of consumers or the environment.

Organic Farmers Association, recognizes the need to build more regional infrastructure to support the organic farmers and producers, and they are working on policies to make that happen. They are also seeking ways that organic farmers can be compensated for their contribution towards mitigating the climate crisis, since organic agriculture helps to sequester carbon from the atmosphere and puts it back into the soil.

It was a great conversation and if you missed it, you can listen to it here:



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