iEat Green Shares Interview with Sean Barrett, Founder of Dock to Dish and the Montauk Seaweed Supply Company!

Hi All,

This morning I had a great conversation with Sean Barrett about his passion and pathway into Ocean Farming. Sean grew up in and around the ocean, and always had a deep love for the water. He saw how the fishing industry was changing, and that most fish consumed in this country was imported. Sean is a real mover and a shaker, and helped launch a Sea to Soil movement in this country. He borrowed the slogan “Know your Farmer”  and applied it to the fishing industry, “Know your Fisherman”. He founded one of the first CSF’s (community supported fishery), Dock to Dish, and modeled it after the CSA movement (community supported agriculture). It expanded to become the Community and Restaurant Supported Fishery, following the “Three Hands in the Chain” rule, and they now sell directly to chefs and restaurants who know how to use all of the fish and minimize waste.

Sean latest venture is the Montauk Seaweed Supply Company, where he is growing kelp for fertilizer, while helping to mitigate climate change by pulling nitrogen and carbon from the water. Ocean Farming has been happening in Asian countries for centuries, but it is a new industry for us, and Sean has been traveling the world helping farmers set up Restaurant Supported Fisheries and Kelp Farms from Fiji to Central America.

If you missed our interview, you can listen to it below.



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