Take Action: Help Stop Ocean Finfish Farming! Join a Women’s March on May 14th, and let Your Voice be Heard!!

Help Stop Ocean Finfish Farming!

We have seen the devastation that factory farms have had on our environment, between the toxic chemicals they spray on the land, the runoff from these chemicals into our waterways, the waste produced from the animals, the loss of top soil, and the health issues caused by these chemicals. Now our government is selling off industrial ocean farming permits to do the same thing to our oceans. We must stop them before it is too late!!

Please join Don’t Cage Our Ocean in signing their petition to let our legislators know that we are counting on them to prevent this from happening!



Women’s March is partnering with Planned Parenthood, UltraViolet, and MoveOn to plan a “massive” Nationwide Day of Action for Abortion Rights on May 14th.

Protests and marches will be taking place all across the country. In Washington DC, protesters will gather at the northeast side of the Washington Monument at 12 PM, then march to the Supreme Court at 2 PM. In NYC, the march will start at Cadman Plaza in Brooklyn at 12 noon, and then march across the Brooklyn Bridge to Foley Square, where there will be a rally from 3-6pm.

We need to make a historical impact by having more people attend these marches then ever before. We are living through scary times and if we want to protect our freedom of choice, not only in a women’s right to choose, but in a persons right to love who they choose, to express themselves the way they want, to choose alternative modalities in health care, and to follow our own inner light, then we all need to show up! 

To find a rally near you, go to the Move On website.

More information will be released in the coming days.



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