Take Action: Don’t Stay Silent When You Witness Injustice, Bigotry, Antisemitism, or Racism, because That in Itself is Action. We Need to Spread the Love!

Hi Everyone,

I wrote this blog last week, after the mass shooting at a Buffalo supermarket. Now today, there was another shooting. This time at an elementary school in Texas. What has to happen before our legislators in Congress will do the right thing and oppose the gun lobbyists, and vote to ban weapons in this country. My heart is broken for all of the families who lost a loved one during the latest rampages.

The racist events that took place this past weekend just make me sick. A white supremacist teenager committing a terrorist act and a Taiwan man shooting up a Taiwanese church, are both acts of hatred. People aren’t born with hatred. Hatred is learned. Racism and prejudice are taught traits, and whenever we as individuals witness an act of injustice, we need to speak up and take a stand for love, justice, acceptance, and peace.

Gun violence in this country is out of control and we need to hold gun manufacturers accountable, along with our elected officials who are too afraid of going against the powerful NRA to create laws that would make getting a gun impossible. Mass shootings are becoming a daily reality, and we have to get it under control.



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