In the News: Finally, The EPA Warns Against High Levels of Forever Chemicals! Next, We Need the EPA to BAN THEM Permanently!!!!

I’ve been writing about the dangers of PFAS, (known as forever chemicals) for years, and the frustration with our government for doing nothing to protect the public from them. Well finally, this past week, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) lowered what they consider to be safe levels, which leaves over 200 million Americans drinking water that is above that safe level!

PFAS are toxic at very low levels and have been linked to serious health problems, including increased risk of cancer and harm to the reproductive and immune systems. The chemicals are used to make water-, grease- and stain-repellent coatings for a vast array of consumer goods and industrial applications. 

As of now, the EPA has not banned these chemicals or set deadlines to stop polluters from discharging PFAS. They need to do that immediately! Unfortunately, the new standards will not go into effect until the end of 2023. In the meantime, over 2,000 communities have drinking water with ‘forever chemicals’ above new EPA levels.

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