In the News: The Environmental Working Group Releases their 2023 Guides, Including “The Dirty Dozen”, “The Clean Fifteen” and their Guide to Safe Sunscreen!!

Every year I like to share with everyone one of my favorite websites, the Environmental Working Group.   Their Website ( is famous for publishing the Dirty Dozen list, which highlights the most heavily sprayed items on your produce list, and the ones which are most important to purchase organically. The Clean Fifteen list is the opposite. It highlights the least toxic items, so if you need to make budgetary choices, you can be well informed.

Another list that is so important, is their Guide to Sunscreen. So many parents, in their attempt to protect their children from harmful exposure to the sun, cover them from head to toe with sunscreen that is potentially harmful. Luckily, there are many brands to choose from that are not harmful, but its important to have the information. Their Top Rated Baby and Kid Sunscreen List is excellent!

Check out the Environmental Working Group‘s website and familiarize yourself with all of their consumer lists. They are very informative, and a guide you can trust!